Residential Sales

Selling your home can be a stressful process, after all there’s a lot to consider. At Castle we want to make sure that you’re well informed of the selling process and know what to expect every step of the way. When it comes to selling one of your most valuable assets, it makes sense to take the time to choose a qualified and knowledgeable sales consultant who has the right tools and strategies at their disposal.

Our sales agents at Castle have in-depth local knowledge of the property market, which they put to action when tailoring a unique marketing programme to achieve the highest potential for your property.  When speaking with one of our sales consultant don’t be afraid to ask questions, we are here to answer any questions that you may have and provide you with all the information you need to know about selling your property and how to maximise your sale price. Outlined below are some of the key steps to selling your property to achieve the best results.


Knowing how much your property could sell for in the current market is another key step when selling. Our sales executives at Castle Property Agents can provide you with an obligation free property appraisal for your property. They will review the local market and look at similar properties that have sold in the last 90 days. They will review properties that are currently on the market, wider market trends and specific features of your individual property to provide you with a comprehensive appraisal report.


There are three main ways to sell a property in Australia; private treaty/private sale, auction, tender/expression of interest. Each of these methods suit different properties and different markets and your real estate agent is the best person to help guide you. They will consider the following elements before recommending the best method of sale:

+ Property type

+ Property location

+ Market condition

+ Timing – how quickly you want to sell

+ Personal preferences


When preparing your home for sale, here are some of the top tips for attracting more potential buyers and higher offers:-

The first tip is the simplest. It’s obviously a must to clean and tidy your home before an inspection, but it’s crucial to also get rid of clutter that could stand in the way of a potential buyer picturing themselves within the home.

Make any aesthetic repairs well before inspection. Things as small as a chip in paint in an interior wall could detract from the overall feel for the home, so get these things up-to-date before your open home.

Once clutter free, consider using a home stylist or home staging service. The results can be dramatic.


Once you have chosen your method of sale, and gone through the marketing process with your sales consultant, the next step may be to consider an offer from a potential buyer.

At Castle, our commitment to you is to bring you each offer formally in writing. We will do this by providing interested buyers with a contract, and will give both you and the potential buyer the opportunity to add conditions when negotiating the sale of your property.

Common conditions of sale are – subject to:

+ Finance

+ A builder’s report

+ Sale of another property

+ Solicitor’s approval of the contract

+ Specialist inspection or approval

Once an offer has been accepted and all parties have signed the contract, the purchaser will be asked to pay a deposit. This usually equates to 10% of the purchase price.


Settlement generally takes place between you and the purchaser and your legal/financial representatives. As the seller, you would have set the settlement date within the contract of sale. Settlement usually occurs 30-90 days after the contract has been signed, depending on what has been agreed upon.

Possession of the property usually takes place on the settlement day although you and the buyer can agree for these dates to be different.


Hear what our clients have to say about their experience trusting Castle Property Agents and Principal and Director Elliott Wicks with the sale of their home. Thinking of selling? Contact Elliott today for all sales enquiries.